Angelweed, woodland, angelica, root of the Holy Ghost.
Eases rheumatic pains and neuralgia; relieves itching and swelling of the skin; makes a yellow dye. Chewing on the roots helps hangovers, and regular use is believed to cultivate a distaste for all alcoholic beverages.
Part used :Eases rheumatic pains and neuralgia; relieves itching and swelling of the skin; makes a yellow dye. Chewing on the roots helps hangovers, and regular use is believed to cultivate a distaste for all alcoholic beverages.
Most of the plant; leaves, roots, stems, and seeds.
Taken as:
Dried root, tincture, wash.
Harvested : Roots in summer or fall, before the flowering stem dies down.
Shelf life 1-3 years.